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Nymphaea Aromatic Wellness

Aromatic StoriesAnthology – The magic key

Anthology – The magic key

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Have you ever thought that we can make the most out of every scent we smell and enhance our every moment with joy, health and wellness, simply by choosing the right perfume at the right time?
It’s always nice to remember that every scent works like a code, like a magic key as I often like to say. It is a key that opens the doors of our inner rooms, such as the ‘room’ of relationships, the room of career, abundance, love, creativity, true joy and bliss, and so on; or as we would say more scientifically, each scent unlocks and decodes a memory or an emotion.


We reasonably conclude that depending on how harmonious the scents we smell around us are, our thoughts and feelings will be, respectively, harmonious. Natural perfumes are fast healers, and they do so in a simple and fragrant way, pleasantly connecting us to true wellbeing.

I will share with you the essential oils that I choose now that we spend a little more time at home. They are oils that we can use either in a diffuser, in the bathroom, as a fragrance for our body, or we can use the plants we have in our garden simply by smelling them. So, we can easily unlock all the treasures of our existence.

Bergamot, or begarmudu (meaning, the prince’s pear), unlocks the room of joy, optimism and peace. It is the warm embrace we need when we are not feeling well. It is the hand that lifts us when our mood is heavy.

Bergamot acts lightning fast against depression and stress that lead us to inactivity. It gives us warmth and hope, and relieves us of the burden of loneliness, rejection and low self-esteem. It helps us find our authenticity by cutting off any concerns about the opinion of others. It makes us less strict with ourselves, and urges us to enjoy life more in depth.

You will find it at Flora Orientalis and Terpsis!






It is easy to understand which room jasmine unlocks, if we take a look at Kama, the Indian god of love; according to tradition, he is depicted to be holding in his hands a bow and arrows wrapped in jasmine. The scent of this magic flower acts effectively and quickly against coldness and sexual impotence. It awakens our mood to flirt and fall in love, and stimulates our appetite for life. It dispels apathy and fear, inspires us to smile in a beautiful, spontaneous way, and gives us confidence in our strengths and ourselves. Jasmine is well-known for its ability to help the wearer find one’s true lovematch. It is the perfect key to love!
You will find it at Aenaon, Kallimon and Flora Orientalis!







cinnamon bark 1 Cinnamon is an ancient herbal medicine; there is written evidence which states that cinnamon was at times more valuable than gold, and that’s why it was used as a currency. There are ancient Egyptian texts that mention over 700 treatments that cinnamon can provide for various ailments. Its fragrance is said to bring success, activation, toning and warmth. It creates a warm atmosphere both in our home and in our heart, since it has an excellent tonic and antidepressant effect. It increases blood flow to the brain, keeping us awake and boosting our memory. It attracts abundance and prosperity into our lives, and it lights up our moments in a loving way.
You will find it in Obnia, which is the scent of abundance!







It is the queen of perfumes. It may be considered the most expensive of the essential oils, but this ratio does not apply if we take into account that each rose drop contains the fragrance and therapeutic value of an entire bouquet. It brings about euphoria and good mood by casting away sadness, while at the same time it offers relief from negative emotions and stress.

It could easily be called the healing of the soul, since it is associated with the desires of the heart and its mission as a perfume is to help us experience the most subtle nuances of the universe, the nuances of all-encompassing love.
You will find it at Kallimon!






Mint encourages concentration, and it provides clear and calm thinking. It contributes to a good, light mood, and it offers a beautiful outlook on life. On another level, mint stimulates the spirit, it activates and invigorates us, so that we have a better understanding of the mysteries that are revealed in our soul. Those who tend to be lethargic in everyday life, thinking that everything has been lost and everything has failed, are activated and are helped to return to the strength of their inner self.

This fragrance will in no way make the person rest by remaining inactive or indifferent to reality; on the contrary, it increases acuity, perception and alertness, leading to appropriate action. It’s the key to creativity and to a fulfilling career.
You will find it at Flora Orientalis!


Sometimes, there are secrets of the soul hidden deep in our hearts; they are buried so deep inside us that they do not make noise, they do not make us wake up and realize our great sleep, help us remember who we really are. Vetiver can awaken these secrets, which often involve us becoming aware that we are not alone in the universe. This awakening may be unstable, even unbalanced, but vetiver keeps us steady. It stops the endless dialogues of the mind and the turmoil caused by questions we cannot avoid.

It helps us stay calm in disturbing conditions, and at the same time, gently and discreetly, without disturbing our creative forces, vetiver gives us stability and calmness from any inner anxiety. It is this calmness in which all the answers we were looking for emerge. Vetiver is, for me, the key to self-love, the key to stability and truth; these are the three virtues that unlock all doors.
You will find it at Pythea and Terpsis!

The way we live, positive or negative, affects our health and the well-being we feel. Our strength lies in what we love![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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